3.1.21 - a quick recap

Hello world, this blog post will recap the month of February. I have not written an entry since The Three Societies, but much work has gone into developing my library of commentary which is free for all. I encourage you to take a look at this and open up discussion with me! I’d love to hear from you.

This edition of The Blog will feature the usual update of additive manufacturing progress at AMPEL, and some insight into current projects. I’m too busy to write much else, as you’ll see towards the end.

Should you feel inclined, I also encourage you to pass by my Youtube channel as I have developed some great content including audiobooks, art videos, and tips/tricks to 3D printing.

AMPEL - March 2021 Update

For background about the Additive Manufacturing Prototyping and Experimentation Laboratory, LLC, please refer to the original post about AMPEL. Several other interesting blog posts exist about the lab but I will leave it up to you to find them.

February Operations

As far as equipment development goes, February was quite static. With the late January implementation of the Octoprint server hosted on Raspberry Pi Zero, further network operations were slim as I programmed and reprogrammed the rPi. This server allows remote control of the printer network and has seriously sped up and smoothed print operations. I have also joined the subreddit r/octoprint and this community has provided a world of support.

During the month of February AMPEL had more sales. Again, this is always heartening as it affirms that the technology has value and that the community perceives this value. If growth continues apace, I may need to establish an e-commerce assistant to help with shipping and handling while I focus on production and research.

The other development I will mention is the speed at which I am now capable of rotating between various materials. This has been an objective from the start and I am glad to say that my focus has paid off. Indeed as I type this, on the workbench lies a project in progress which has required components of three different material types: PLA+, PETG, and the flexible TPU. Not only is the project coming along swimmingly but my skill has evolved to great agility. The various components were printed one after the other with material rotation taking less than 2 minutes between each print.

Upcoming Projects

On the horizon are some developments which have been long coming. The first is the purchase of a resin printer and the other is integration of conductive filament. I also am desperate for a workspace and am working hard to locate a collaborative environment; my studio apartment is jam packed with robotics and material inventory.

Stereolithography is a form of additive manufacturing which uses a laser to harden resin in a desired pattern to form an object. Compared to current operations with melted thermoplastics, this method has the capability for incredible print detail and durability. Though design concepts will be similar, I expect the print operations to be vastly different.

Long overdue, the integration of conductive filament into my print operations may happen soon. I have conducted research on the topic and feel quite ready to make an attempt. However, I refuse to begin until I can contribute time into the project. This I plan to allocate following a work trip to Florida mid-March.

I consider myself quite resourceful as I have transformed my studio apartment into a capable lab where I can practice both art and technology. As operations continue to grow and my research deepens, the area is quite obviously inadequate. I began taking steps down this path in November 2020 but failed to close on any deal. It is important to note that this space will be shared with my media operations. I believe this to be a major selling point to the value proposition of having such a space.


An issue of long contemplation, the introduction of outside investors to AMPEL and/or Grant Coultrup Productions is an issue with which I must now deal. Thankfully I have a fair idea of valuation, but finding the right partners is the more important issue. From the start, a couple mentors have invested in me in general terms and it is to them that I will give priority.

Certainly one main purpose of expanding this base will be to gain a variety of perspective so that I may focus on R&D. The other main purpose will be to build a platform to bring other people in on projects. We recognize that “it’s always better with people” and my operations are rarely an exception. Particularly in the area of media, bringing in trusted others will be a major stepping stone as operations develop.


AMPEL has been an incredible experiment. This young technology of additive manufacturing is under development and possesses incredible potential. As AMPEL builds its network of design professionals and database of materials, application will become more and more efficient.


The Blog was started as a platform upon which I could practice writing styles and share work. This tool has definitely served its purpose and will continue to do so. As media proliferates, partners arise who I am keen to join in the recording and distribution of knowledge. These projects become fruitful and powerful as our attention grows.


Chief among my projects is the ongoing collection of my own commentary on various works. As I have constructed a methodology regarding media creation (see On Operational Media) so I have developed an interesting system for studying and recording key books. Often, select bits of this commentary is used for sources in academic writings or blog posts. Even passages which are not further cited provide a great place to practice development of my own thought processes.
Sidenote: it is for this reason that I encourage anyone and everyone to keep a blog or other form of commentary on their books of influence.

This methodology is simple but relies on a few principles. First, no more than one chapter is read at a time. This is on the understanding that each chapter represents an author’s thought process and that these chapters are intended to be read one-at-a-time. Next, with a pencil, select passages are marked with brackets for later processing. At such a time as I get to sit at the computer, these passages are copied into my storage and my own commentary is added.

This method has been incredible and deepened thought processes upon each topic studied. Again, I would encourage this method for anyone attempting to strengthen understanding and practice writing of their own.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, education changed to the remote setting along with most professional work. This development seems to have seriously stifled the learning abilities of our nation’s youths and poses a challenge for educators everywhere. Couple this with the fact that a significant portion of education professionals consider the public system to possess flaws, the time is ripe for change.

The focus of this project is to further develop a grasp of the problems facing education today, develop some recommendations for teachers about how to navigate this change, and to “spread the news” about productive educational change. We must not revert to the past, but pave the way for the next generation.

Working with me on this project is Will “Bigfish” Fistek and I must say that he brings fantastic perspective. This project is also in collaboration with the Cleveland Teaching Cooperative (CTC) and will likely have a focus on that geographic area in particular. This project falls within the scope of the joint “Food for Change” brand which I have undertaken with Will (more on Food for Change another time…),

Cultural Literacy

On the coattails of the education project with CTC, I’ve begun my own study of education as it effects communication channels. This come following the study of Cultural Literacy by E. D. Hirsch in which he paints a picture of education’s necessities. Our ability to learn and communicate is wholly dependent upon shared information, and the acquisition of shared information is dependent upon the intentionality behind teaching methods.

My study takes Hirsch’s 1987 work, which focuses on American education in particular, and applies a cosmopolitan perspective, following the idealism of Anholt. Maintaining a nation (indeed, a world!) which can share and communicate and grow and produce together is a problem which we now face in this interconnected world. Not a bad problem to have, but the problem must be solved with intent. I’m excited to share this summary and can’t wait to bring you the finished work.

note: Hirsch paints a picture of a world which conforms to the American view and the American way of life. I do not endorse this view; in fact I condemn it. True, America is great, but we must not act with such arrogance as to follow the mistakes of blatantly nationalist cultures of history.

Backburner Projects

Sitting in my Google Drive are a few other unfinished papers which hang heavy on my mind. I crunch away at them as time allows, but progress is slow. If you, dear reader, are interested in any of the following topics please get in touch as I would love to share and collaborate:
- Self-managing organizations: the business of the 21st century
- LIDAR companion theory
- Decision anxiety and the rise of the active creator
- Additive machinery, zero gravity, and the lunar surface
- DFAM and robotics (design for additive manufacturing)
- DFAM and principles of origami
- Architecture and application of NFT’s in product design
- Architecture and application of NFT’s in artwork

Love in the Time of COVID

I have finally begun writing this, my first novel.


March is already off to a great start. As always, thank you for reading!


Entry 3.22.21 - Exponential


2.1.21 - The Three Societies