6.17.21 - a notable meme

The recent interest in memes, as a social phenomenon and investment trend, is no joke. This entry is an analysis of an exceptional modern meme. Consider this:

I classify this to be an interesting meme for a few reasons:

  1. Organically Multimedia, due to its nature as a mixture of various media segments.

  2. Inclusive translation. Even if a viewer has not been exposed to the three main themes (Lourde, Futurama, and Richard Nixon), they might find hilarity in the juxtapositional structure of the meme. It does not necessarily require inside knowledge of the themes to be funny.

  3. Crowds. The meme reaches up to three crowds, potentially four. The three primary crowds are fans of Lourde, Futurama, or Nixon. The fourth potential crowd is the general “meme” community who, regardless of their knowledge of the three primary subjects, may enjoy the meme based purely on the hilarity of its juxtaposition.

Got any more interesting memes?


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