Blog 2-23-22
In this edition of The Blog I will recap why The Blog has been silent recently. Then I will extend an invitation to partners for involvement on projects and research.
Evolution of The Blog
In the beginning The Blog served three purposes, overarchingly grouped under the need for myself to develop more powerful feedback loops.
1. To transmit information to myself in the future. By harvesting the most critical knowledge and copying it here, I would be assured that I could access this information down the line should it become necessary to a project.
2. To transmit information to you, the reader. Many of you are colleagues, some of you are friends, but all are reading this Blog because there is some interest in my actions. These Blog posts are addressed to the first of those categories. If you are working on projects with me, the information in my Blog may greatly enhance our ability to work together.
3. To more clearly articulate thoughts. The act of writing is itself a driver of thought articulation. The knowledge that those thoughts will be published publicly on the web is an even greater driver. It forces the mind to be clear and succinct and deliberate when putting metaphorical pen to paper. The Blog is a self-development project.
Through the writing of The Blog there has been a repeated theme of attraction towards the production of video content, either for entertainment or for documentation, in order to harness the power of its enhanced feedback loops. Thus evolved the video log to take advantages of the three purposes of The Blog implemented through video format.
Thus, The Blog has waned while The Vlog has waxed. If you are an avid reader of The Blog, I encourage you to find my video log on YouTube and keep up to date! I discuss projects, books, trials, triumphs, and much more. Thanks for reading!
Invitation to Collaborate
As you may see throughout my various projects, I am constantly building teams, communities, and project groups. If you enjoy being a part of a great team or believe that you could contribute to this network, please get in touch! I’d love to connect.
That’s all. See you next time.