A Letter to Our Shareholders

2023 Letter

2022 Letter

2021 Letter

To the stakeholders of the operations of the family of businesses managed by Grant Coultrup:

Coultrup Designs, a business management firm, passed milestones in the year 2024. Notable among these were 1) excellence in production with traditional and aerial videography, 2) significant growth and systematization of productions on YouTube and podcast channels , and 3) growth in various investment enterprises.


Coultrup Designs exists to provide legal structure and business management for a group of organizations. In this structure, success is measured by the level of success experienced by those client organizations. This oversight / management has developed and adhered to a systematized approach through 2024.

While strategy varies from business to business, principles and visions stand over all strategic actions. Contributions to the vision come from the many audiobooks produced as well as other influential literature. Previously, a publication titled The Great Migrations of the 21st Century provided a view of Grant’s vision. While this remains influential it is not fully representative of the organization’s long-term vision.

Documentation via video camera, audio recorder, and written word continue to be at the heart of all developmental activities. Feedback loops have been curated and are used extensively. We also continue to invest in systems which assess the practicality of new systems and processes.

“It’s always better with people” is a quote which Grant has stood by since the beginning, and he works to optimize the human element of any operation. A useful note, however, is that having the right people is important. Keeping producers and developers involved rather than complainants and pessimists is certainly a key part of the business strategies.

A-players love working with other A-players.

Organizational Report

An overview of organizations currently under management:

  • Grant Coultrup Productions, LLC: This organization facilitates the vast majority of activities involving media production and publication. Chief among these are activities involving aerial videography via UAS systems. These have proven profitable both monetarily and in terms of production experience. Grant is founder and acts as Executive Producer.

  • AMPEL, Inc.: This organization, the Additive Manufacturing Prototyping and Experimentation Laboratory, facilitates the development of and application of fabrication technology as well as product design in CAD. While additive manufacturing via 3D printing was the initial method of fabrication, it is no longer the sole practice. Grant is a founder and serves as Director of Fabrication.

  • Watersports Broadcasting Corporation: This organization was recently incorporated and provides a publishing platform for the broadcast of various watersport events including rowing, sailing, and more. Grant is a co-founder and serves as Chief Operations Officer. He was intricately involved in the negotiation for WBC’s acquisition of The Rowing Channel.

  • Twentynineteen Clothing: This organization facilitates the production of clothing merchandise and some media content. Twentynineteen also serves as the primary provider of wardrobe and other effects used by Grant Coultrup Productions. Grant is a co-founder and serves as Creative Director.

  • Griffin Enterprises: This organization is operated in partnership with another agent and facilities a media production unit, a defense innovation unit, and a unit devoted to enterprise development. This organization holds a stake in other entities Fabricated System Models and Caravel Systems. Grant is a co-founder and serves as Chief Operations Officer.

  • Netrendity Holdings: this consortium facilitates the production of live media and precision data for sporting events. Netrendity holds a minority stake in Grant Coultrup Productions and is one of the primary broadcast clients. Grant serves as both Operations Coordinator and Director of Photography.

While Coultrup Designs is involved with projects across an increasingly diverse scope of product offerings, it must be stated that a danger exists of too much breadth. Well managed, this great diversity provides unique experiences, powerful perspective, and diversified incomes. Poorly managed, this breadth threatens the effectiveness and mental health of this organization’s officers.

In 2024 the organization had the stated goals of achieving the following, and with respective results:

  • To develop a routine of video production capability and schedule of shows.

    • A daily production was created, produced, and published with great effect.

  • To recruit and develop personnel into not only fine producers but fine people.

    • Personal growth was had by all officers, employees, and partners involved.

  • To develop the Twentynineteen Clothing brand with at least one seasonal line.

    • This was not achieved.

  • To optimize cash flows such that distributed equity may be re-purchased and dividends may be redistributed.

    • This was not achieved, but various investments ensure that the organizaiton is well positioned to do so in 2025.

In 2025 the organization seeks to build on these and previous goals to achieve the following:

  • To continue development of operations for managed enterprises to meet their periodical goals.

  • To work in business development to establish/build relationships with powerful clients and other producers.

  • To optimize cash flows such that distributed equity may be re-purchased and dividends may be redistributed.

Revisiting Mindset

In growth of the family of organizations, several mentalities are core to success A few of the most important are again listed here:

  1. “It’s always better with people.” Mentioned briefly above, the development of a great community is central to the success of any organization. We find that A-players enjoy working with other A-players, and we always strive to build the team accordingly. Involving the right, qualified people is paramount to the mission.

  2. “Action is everything.” This mindset was expressed in the previous shareholders’ letters and remains key to operations. The stagnation or apathy seen among peers is strictly frowned upon here. Action is everything.

  3. “It’s not your money, it’s just your turn to spend it.” This is a philosophy which Grant brings to his business management style, with a result of high cash flow throughout all organizations. This philosophy is rightly followed up with action, such that cash is consistently put to good use.


Above all we must thank those who have supported the organization in any way whether monetarily, intellectually, or motivationally. This organization is built on the receipt of “we” and “us”, rather than “I” or “me”.


Grant Coultrup
CEO, Coultrup Designs
January 2, 2025


Imagery, San Diego April 2024.