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Blog post to update the web log: notes to future Grante:

  • typing Grante is now a habit. May warrant a change in Youtube persona/channel title. IF this is to happen, the brand must be leaned into as an asset of prophecy? if only to advertise values/control narrative particularly surrounding the growth of fabrication. Media control is better than no media, perhaps. But it requires effort.

  • Fabrication has become a habit, and this is nothing to be taken lightly. Spreading fabrication literacy as digital literacy is a key. Producing things rare, and saving them.

  • The printers run, and finding two things is key to keeping them productive to the organization. The first is a person who can maintain the fleet, and that number currently stands at about 6 to 1. This person must be excellent at managing the margin of error. The second is a flow of applications to continue producing. These applications are more valuable with more powerful machines, obviously.

  • Play intentionally when you want to lose, and obliviously when you want to win. It’s more fun that way.

Keep it up 🤠


A Letter to Our Shareholders


Entry 1-2-2023